Patrick Dantressangle

Mauii (Hawaii) 11/97

Mauii forms part of the Hawaii islands. It offers very different landscapes: desert like the mount Kaleakala (inactive volcano), luxuriant forests, dense forests of bamboos, Scottish like coasts.

White sand beach This coast in the north look like the Scotland coast Close-cropped and green vegetation Fresh coconut milk tasting
The pineapples are really delicious The force of the waves makes spout out water from an anfractuosity, like a geyser Water is thrown to more than 30 metres high A water fall in the dense forest
We approach,little by little,the forest of bamboos which we see on the other side Small bamboos mix with other plants Our fingers penetrated these soft barks, weird impressions Some are found captive inside the tentacles of these funny trees
Strange roots, isn't it ? Moisture is here, as well as the mosquitos The mosquitos will bite everybody. Banian Tree:this tree characteristic is to have branches which are... replanted in the ground to form other trunks.
In the centre of the town, a Banian Tree is connected... The noise of the wind in the bamboos is impressive and wonderful... Sometimes a cracking tears the air.At any moment,one of these giants could fall on us He! he! somebody decides to move higher
The mount Kaleakala is a volcano, height of 3055 m The richness of the colors of the rocks offers a sublime landscape We prepare to go down in the crater
A "Money Sabre",a rare plant,here dying.In full flowering,.. its flowers are red blood,and the leaves are silver Strange bird ready to fly away
A sea turtle
A Luau celebrates traditional islands. Spitting of fire, dancers But also cooking of the pig in sheets of banana trees... under hot stones, the whole covered with sand.So good A lizard called Geko
The legend says that if you sees a Geko, happiness is found! The "Lavengro" the boat on which we went for the sailing cruise Isabelle and a member of the crew. Sight on the Island of Mauii
Indigenous with his splendid companion, an hybrid parrot. It can cut out your finger in a second: Patrick tested it! To lay down in the sun, calms evening
Pizza on the thumb!

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